
Zanna rempel 1988 pdfダウンロード

(Zanna&Rempel 1988) “ Çeitli objelerin bellekte saklı tutulan değerlendirmeleridir.” (Judd ve diğerleri 1991) Zihinsel değerlendirme & Salt bilişsel Zanna and Rempel, 1988, Eagly and Chaiken, 1993 conceptualize attitudes as summary evaluations of objects that are derived from the evaluative implications of affective, cognitive, and behavioral information. Affective information refers to feelings or emotions associated with an attitude object. また情動的信頼を,認知的信頼より深いレベルの信頼として位置付ける研究(Rempel, Holmes, & Zanna, 1985;McAllister, 1995;Andersen & Kumar, 2006)も存在する。 これらの研究からは,情動的信頼よりも認知的信頼の方が時間的に先行することが示唆される 14 ) 。 (Fazio 1989; Greenwald 1989; Zanna i Rempel 1988; Pratkanis 1989 prema Milas 2004: 11, 12). Na tragu takvoga određenja je i Myers (1993) koji stav opisuje kao „povoljno ili nepovoljno vrednovanje nečega ili nekoga iskazano u nečijim uvjerenjima, osjećajima ili namjeravanom ponašanju“ (Milas 2004: 12). Drugi pak znanstvenici Etzioni (1988) Park & Srinivasan (1994) Keller (1993) Aaker (1997) Olson & Thjømøe (2003) Zanna & Rempel (1988) Haddock and Zanna (1993) g Eksponering i tilfeldig miljø Eksponering i valgt mijø Logiske argumenter Kommunikasjons-verktøy Tidligere atferd Følelser Kognisjoner Merket Kommunisering av et merke –forenklet merkevaremodell

(zanna & reMpel, 1988) When presenting information to change atti-tudes it is important that the information is consistent and congruent so that individuals can form a single attitude about an object. 10 • When attempting to 10 f ,

Rempel, Holmes, & Zanna, 1985). While collaboration on a mundane task simply requires 1990; Bernieri, 1988) and statements by the other that resonate with one's assumptions (Gillis,. Bernieri, & Wooten, 1995; Bernieri, & Gillis, 1995). 1988], and the marital relationship [e.g., Actelli, 1996; Erickson, 1993; Weiss,. 1975]. Lang, Staudinger, & Carstensen, 1998; Levitt, Guacci-Franco, & Levitt, 1993]. The hierarchical structure 1982] or trust [Rempel, Holmes, & Zanna, 1985]. includes several assumptions about the nature of attitudes that might better be left unmade (Zanna and Rempel, 1988). icon heart Add to list Added to list Added; icon download (opens in new window) info Download PDF; icon citeCite. 2015年6月30日 であることを強調している(Gelb & Johnson, 1995 ; Stauss, 1997 ; Buttle, 1998)。2000 年以降. は、ネット・クチコミが正式に一 ブに考える(Rempel, Holmes & Zanna, 1985 ; Darke & Ritchie, 2007)。それに対して、消費者. が発信者を  Crocker et al., 1998), and it seems reasonable to propose that such dimensions also would apply to the experi The Trust Scale (Rempel,. Holmes, & Zanna, 1985) was used to assess the degree to which individuals had faith in their romantic  なる意味であるが,主として,次のような特徴と傾向性をもつ(Dirven and Verspoor 1998;籾. 山 2002;瀬戸 2007a; Rempel, ]. K., Holmes, ].G., & Zanna, M.P. (1985). Trust in close relationships. Journal of Personality, 57, 257-281. Rotenberg, K.].

詫摩武俊・戸田弘二(1988).愛着理論から見た青年の対人態度―成人愛着スタイル尺度作成の試み― 東京都立大学人文学報,196号,1–16. 山岸俊男(1998).信頼の構造―こころと社会の進化ゲーム― 東京大学出版会

(e.g., Fiske & Pavelchak, 1986; Piderit, 2000; Zanna & Rempel, 1988), the proposed ABC model of ambivalence describes the affective, cognitive, and behavioral consequences of ambivalence and specifically predicts how Fuente: Zanna y Rempel (1988); Breckler (1984). 17.3 ¿Para qué sirven las actitudes?: Funciones Hasta ahora hemos visto cómo se define el concepto de actitud en Psicología social, y se han puesto de relieve algunas de sus características más importantes. Cabe ahora tratar de respon- technology adoption (Schwarz, 1997; Zanna & Rempel, 1988). The major concern raised regards the assumption that consumer evaluative responses are based primarily on utilitarian beliefs, forgetting affective experience (Zanna & Rempel, 1988). TRA and TPB, on the base of which TAM has been developed, share the idea that behaviours Rempel, Holmes, and Zanna [94] presented a model for the dynamics of interpersonal trust that is based on three main components (stages) predictability, dependability, and faith to account for Holmes, and Zanna (19851, and Zuboff (1988). This construct describes trust in terms of three dimensions that combine to form the basis of an operator's subjective expectation of the system's ability to achieve the operator's goals. Each of these dimensions reflects increasing attributional abstraction (Rempel, Holmes, and Zanna, 1985).

2018年4月4日 (1998). 瑞恩和范德芬(P S Ring & VanDeVen)在信任要素上所做的区分是: (1)相信他人的善意.(2)认为他人的期望可信赖且可预期.这两种信任是交易. 结构模式 (Rempel,. Holmes,1985). 3 信念. 信念是最高程度信任的集中体现,主要表现在个体对他人所持有的情感上的. 确信与安心.个体在没有 Rempel,JP & Holmes,JG & Zanna,M P TrustinCloseRelationships,JournalofPersonG.

Berkeley Electronic Press Selected Works PDF EPUB Sozialpsychologie pp 197-229 | Cite as Einstellungen Authors Authors and affiliations Geoffrey Haddock Gregory R. Maio Chapter First Online: 08 August 2014 1 Citations 100k Downloads Part of Theo-Web. Zeitschrift für Religionspaedagogik 19 (2020), H.1, 126–144. DOI: pending 126 Forschung zu Einstellungen und Präkonzepten von Schüler*innen und Lehrpersonen in der Religionsdidaktik von Sabine Hermisson TiプラスミドのrepABC遺伝子カセット、各遺伝子産物と活性の模式図。 Tiプラスミドの複製、分配、維持はrepABC遺伝子カセットに依存しており、カセットは主に3つの遺伝子repA, repB and repCから構成される。repAとrepBはそれぞれプラスミドの分配に関わるタンパク質をコードしている一方、 repCは複製 PDF File (1853 KB) Article info and citation First page References See also Article information Source Hiroshima Math. J., Volume 27, Number 1 (1997), 77-103. Dates First available in Project Euclid: 21 March 2008 doi:10. 32917

1988], and the marital relationship [e.g., Actelli, 1996; Erickson, 1993; Weiss,. 1975]. Lang, Staudinger, & Carstensen, 1998; Levitt, Guacci-Franco, & Levitt, 1993]. The hierarchical structure 1982] or trust [Rempel, Holmes, & Zanna, 1985]. includes several assumptions about the nature of attitudes that might better be left unmade (Zanna and Rempel, 1988). icon heart Add to list Added to list Added; icon download (opens in new window) info Download PDF; icon citeCite. 2015年6月30日 であることを強調している(Gelb & Johnson, 1995 ; Stauss, 1997 ; Buttle, 1998)。2000 年以降. は、ネット・クチコミが正式に一 ブに考える(Rempel, Holmes & Zanna, 1985 ; Darke & Ritchie, 2007)。それに対して、消費者. が発信者を  Crocker et al., 1998), and it seems reasonable to propose that such dimensions also would apply to the experi The Trust Scale (Rempel,. Holmes, & Zanna, 1985) was used to assess the degree to which individuals had faith in their romantic  なる意味であるが,主として,次のような特徴と傾向性をもつ(Dirven and Verspoor 1998;籾. 山 2002;瀬戸 2007a; Rempel, ]. K., Holmes, ].G., & Zanna, M.P. (1985). Trust in close relationships. Journal of Personality, 57, 257-281. Rotenberg, K.].

Etzioni (1988) Park & Srinivasan (1994) Keller (1993) Aaker (1997) Olson & Thjømøe (2003) Zanna & Rempel (1988) Haddock and Zanna (1993) g Eksponering i tilfeldig miljø Eksponering i valgt mijø Logiske argumenter Kommunikasjons-verktøy Tidligere atferd Følelser Kognisjoner Merket Kommunisering av et merke –forenklet merkevaremodell

Zanna M P Rempel J K 1988 Attitudes A new look at an old concept In DBarTal A from BADM 590 at University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign